
Post: Article on energy efficiency

What is energy efficiency ?

Rising energy costs and environmental imperatives are making energy efficiency a major concern for all players in the commercial and industrial sectors.

Energy efficiency is defined as the ratio between the quantity of energy consumed and the activity performed. In other words, it means optimizing the use of kWh to produce more, with less.

We’re on the right track: in 2018, we needed around 30% less energy than in 1965 to create the same amount of value.

Dollars (constants) de PIB par kWh d’énergie primaire, moyenne mondiale.

The Internet of Things (IoT) makes it possible to understand and better manage buildings’ energy consumption by collecting precise data, while cultivating greener corporate values. Knowledge is power, so data acquisition is the first step in an energy transition plan.

How can I improve a building’s energy efficiency ?

There are several ways to significantly improve the efficiency and energy expenditure of your buildings.

By installing IoT :

  • ambient temperature & humidity measurement
  • air quality index
  • consumption of water, gas and electricity meters
  • thermal energy (calorimeters)
  • presence detection

This makes it possible to analyze consumption and optimize it to reduce energy costs.

The advantages of IoT sensors

  • rapid return on investment (ROI)
  • real-time data, accessible 24/7
  • high-performance communication thanks to LPWAN networks
  • simple installation