
Post: ATIM presentation

ATIM has been a Radio expert for over 25 years and a pioneer in M2M and IoT. 🚀

Designer & manufacturer of a complete range of LoRa & Sigfox wireless communication sensors, we provide industrial and plug & play solutions to our customers.
We also work on new telecom standards (LTE-M/NB-IOT) that will accelerate the deployment of IoT solutions. 📶

ATIM is recognized as the sensor range with the highest battery capacity on the market.

Our mission is to enable massive IoT by following 3 core principles:
👥 Customer Satisfaction: Customer commitment and service are at the core of our values.
✅ Short circuit: We offer “Made in France” solutions.
📡 Agility & Innovation : ATIM is able to propose all technological bricks.